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Dr. Jayesh Shah 

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Dr. Jayesh Shah lebt in Mumbai, Indien und arbeitet dort gemeinsam mit seiner Frau Rajul in einer sehr frequentierten Praxis. Er kann auf eine über 30-Jährige Erfahrung als klassischer Homöopath zurückblicken. Bereits sein Vater war ein bekannter Homöopath, der 40 Jahre in Mumbai praktizierte.

Dr. Shah hat sich in der homöopathischen Fachwelt eine weltweite Anerkennung erworben und hält Seminare in Indien, den USA, Europa, Australien, Neuseeland und Israel. Er ist einer der Hauptorganisatoren der internationalen Mumbai- und Goa-Seminare.

Dr. Jayesh Shah und sein Freund Dr. Rajan Sankaran gründeten mit mehreren Kollegen eine sehr aktive Arbeitsgruppe, die bekannt ist als die „Bombay Schule" der klassischen Homöopathie. Viele internationale Kollegen erlebten in mehrwöchigen Seminaren vor Ort den pulsierenden und innovativen Geist, mit dem dieses Team die Homöopathie bereichert.

Dr. Jayesh Shah

Von Dr. Shah’s engen Zusammenarbeit und Freundschaft mit Dr. Sankaran konnten wir bereits sehr profitieren, wobei vor allem die „Neue Methode", die in Mumbai entwickelt wurde, das tiefe Verständnis dieser beiden außergewöhnlichen Homöopathen zeigt.

Die „Neue Methode” konzentriert sich darauf, über das Verständnis der Hauptbeschwerde des Patienten, die zentrale Empfindung herauszuarbeiten. Einzigartig ist der Weg, das Mittel über einen Schnittpunkt von Naturreichen, Familien und Miasmen zu erkennen. Dieser Weg führt auf faszinierende Weise zu einem tieferen Verstehen und einer sicheren Mittelwahl.

Das Wesentliche an Dr. Shah´s Arbeit ist die Art und Weise der Befragung und die klare Beobachtung des Patienten mitsamt seiner Gestik sowie die Kunst der Anwendung der entsprechenden Rubriken. Er verfügt über ein brillantes Wissen der Materia Medica (insbesondere der selten genutzten Mittel), welches er auf lebendige und einprägsame Art und Weise vermittelt. Dabei legt er viel Wert auf die praktische Arbeit und die gute, direkte Umsetzbarkeit des Gelernten in der eigenen Praxis.

In den letzten Jahren hat Dr. Shah intensiv die Differenzierung der Mittel aus dem Periodensystem erforscht. Im September 2006 erschien sein Buch über die erste und zweite Reihe des Periodensystems auch in deutscher Sprache. 


Die Seminare von Jayesh Shah finden Sie auch unter www.homoeopathieveranstaltungen.de, dem Portal für Homöopathie-Veranstaltungen.


Jayessh Shah 2021 klein


Dr. Jayesh Shah is into homoeopathy long before he graduated from the Bombay Homoeopathic Medical College in 1980. He is a renowned homeopath who, through more than 25 years of experience at his busy clinical practice, has gained a worldwide reputation as skilled teacher and a keen prescriber.

Together with Dr. Rajan Sankaran and other colleagues, Dr. Shah has pioneered what has come to be known as the Bombay School of Classical Homoeopathy. Homeopaths from all over the world have been going to Bombay for years to learn new theories and concepts that have given a new impetus to homeopathy and revitalized the field. Homeopaths can now achieve, through the application of reproducible methods, previously unimaginable levels of understanding of the patient.

Dr. Shah has been one of the main organizers of a number of international seminars in Mumbai and Goa and has conducted numerous seminars and courses around the world. His reputation has taken him to the U.S.A., Canada, Europe, Israel, Australia and New Zealand. He is very skilled at transmitting his profound knowledge.

He has also conducted the proving of Rattus Rattus, Tantallum met, Rubidium met, Cadmium sulph, Cadmium met, Lotus, Indian red pond lily and Nuphar luteum.


Comments on Dr. Jayesh Shah

April 2017

Theme: Dependency / Abhängigkeit

Jayesh Shah writes / schreibt / escribe:

The theme for our forthcoming Hamburg and Freiburg seminars is as follows:

Chemistry of dependence with case illustrations from the various kingdoms.

How dependence becomes the central point of the disturbance of the vital force in our patients.

Learning other methods to help heal dependence.

Das Thema für die kommenden Seminare im Frühjahr ist Abhängigkeit mit Fallbeispielen aus den verschiedenen Naturreichen.

Wie Abhängigkeit zum zentralen Thema der Störung der Lebenskraft in unseren Patienten wird.

Jayesh wird noch weitere Methoden vorstellen, um Abhängigkeit heilen zu können.

Le séminaire de Hambourg et Fribourg sera sur le thème de l’addiction, illustré par des cas cliniques des différents règnes.

Comment l’addiction devient le point central de la perturbation de la force vitale chez nos patients.

D’autres méthodes pour aider à guérir l’addiction seront présentées.

El seminario en Hamburgo y Freiburg será sobre el tema de la adicción, ilustrado por casos clínicos de reinos diferentes.

Cómo la adicción se convierte en el punto focal de la perturbación de la fuerza vital en nuestros pacientes.

Se presentarán otros métodos para ayudar a curar la adicción.


Jayesh Shah  -  April 2013

What is fundamental for a homeopath to succeed? Knowledge? Discernment? Confidence? Trust?

The most fundamental thing that I have seen has been the central point of my operations, of my functioning, the Vital Force of my functioning, is the fundamental Trust. It is this fundamental, deep trust that homeopathy works. This trust, and the associated excitement that it creates in me is the operating system of my homeopathic computer within.

And the difference between a teacher of homeopathy or a highly successful practitioner, an average practitioner and a struggling practitioner, lies in the intensity of the Trust and the excitement that this Trust generates. "By the time you reach home you will be better...!"

This trust comes from seeing many cases healed with homeopathy, from seeing many masters at work who bring in us this contagious infectious trust which excites enthusiasm or inspiration. All the knowledge comes when that trust, that inspiration is there within. 

Does this symptom, phenomenon, aspect of the case have these characteristics:

Spontaneity, intensity, clarity

Whatever has those characteristics and is peculiar... what seems to resonate the most with these seemingly unrelated peculiarities in a case, then something makes deeper sense, as if a new picture emerges, something resonates in your mind, and when you get that feeling, then many other symptoms fall into place, knowingly or unknowingly.

The moment this happens in one case, you have established a homeopath within your own self. And this homeopath only needs to find the right kind of a space to grow and expand. We have to integrate all the approaches, not force the sensation method on a case or vice versa. It is time for integration. We have developed a good way to take a case, and our ability to see what resonates in the case is what brings success, and the Trust to go with this resonance, this anchor.

Even if you elicit 3 most characteristic symptoms, but in your heart you feel good about them, go with that...

The art of creating possibilities... of integrating the entire knowledge, different methodologies, different approaches. All come together, no conflict. Different approaches can simultaneously work together, and the one that is prominent in the case will stand out. So go in the case with a being full of possibilities, flexibility. When you go with one approach only, roadblocks will come in 60% of cases.

Trust what is in your head, don't discount it. Because when a phenomenon arises, something comes up in your head, don't discount it. Why is this coming to my head? Write it down, it may be relevant. This Trust brings the confidence, the inspiration, creates the methodologies, brings the patient and the practitioner to the right point they have to come to. Create multiple possibilities to facilitate their healing.

Dr. Rajan Sankaran:

‘Jayesh brings into his Homeopathy a unique blend of curiosity, inquiry, patience, persistence, all of which arise from a deep and genuine desire to help the person in front of him…’

Dr. Shah is best known for an approach that combines fundamental concepts in homeopathy -with a patient and in-depth application of those concepts-, with mind-opening visionary developments based on his deep understanding of where the patient –in his/her search for health-, we –as homeopaths-, and homeopathy in general need to go to achieve better, deeper, and long-lasting results for better healing.

Dr. Andreas Holling, Münster:

'Dr. Jayesh Shah with his quick eye and clear observation blends the art of perceiving the innermost feelings of the person with the science of understanding the rubrics. His ability to penetrate into the core state of the patient is brilliant and inspiring. He has vast knowledge of materia medica, including small and unused remedies, you will experience the true spirit of homeopathy.'

Jayesh speaks indian english, which is very easy to understand. You will enjoy his lively presentation.


Here are some quotes from participants of his courses, which provide an insight into what studying with Jayesh is all about:

Lucidity, clarity, committed perseverance to grasping the most subtle nuances of the patient, and an uncanny ability to convey the process in a way that is completely understood by the student, these are among the words one could use in describing Jayesh#s masterful teaching which, goes even beyond his brilliance as a homeopath.
Never have I been able to glean so much, so quickly from a teacher.
Jayesh is able to show the map of a profound method of case taking, and deliver the goods in a way where I am off and running with my own patients in the clinic. The results speak for themselves. I am excited and enthused about this methodology unlike anything I have seen in homeopathy to date. I suggest, with the highest regard, that one would be foolish not to take the time to share in the experience of studying with Jayesh.

Bill Mann

Escondido, California

Observing Jayesh take a case is to participate fully in the magic of homeopathy. Through his remarkable example, we come to understand what it means to truly understand the patient in the deepest and most thorough sense. Jayesh has the heart of a saint and the mind of a crocodile. Although extremely kind by nature, once he has the patient's state in his grasp he never lets go!
Jayesh has the rare ability to transmit wisdom to his students. It is not about him, it is about homeopathy and healing sick beings. I can only say that on behalf of my patients I am personally humbled and grateful for his teaching, which has transformed my practice of homeopathy.

Spero Latchis

Brattleboro, Vermont

I consider Jayesh Shah's seminars and courses an extremely significant part of my homeopathic education. I continue to study with Jayesh and have followed his evolution as a clinician and teacher for many years.
From the very beginning seminars in Berkeley, CalifornIa, he laid a solid foundation upon which he has continued to build. This has led to a case taking and analysis methodology that is solid , reproducible, and has brought me to a level of prescribing that yields consistently curative results.
His refinement of the levels of case taking has been inspiring. At this stage of my career, I am really only interested in attending seminars that give me practical, clear tools that I can use in my clinic with success and that bring me new insights. Jayesh gives me these tools and insights and for this he will always have my deep respect and admiration.

Robert Gramlich

Los Angeles, California

Dr. Jayesh Shah is not only a masterful homeopath, he is also an extraordinary teacher of homeopathy, which is a rare and special combination. He emphasizes perceiving the underlying disturbance in the vital force of the patient as the first goal of the homeopathic practitioner. He patiently guides students in perceiving the disturbance through the patient's own words and gestures. I tremendously value and appreciate his dedication to helping students duplicate his method in case taking, perception and analysis. I can not recommend this course highly enough for dedicated homeopathic practitioners.

Kristy Fassler

Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Jayesh is perhaps the most approachable and honest homeopathic teacher with whom I have studied. I 've seen my own struggles openly reflected in Jayesh's teachings more than with any other teacher. Jayesh possesses the rare ability to explain honestly the passages he has gone through to attain the level of expertise he has achieved.
Jayesh#s case receiving skills are, in my experience, unparalleled. True teacher that he is, Jayesh consistently and continuously exemplifies the innermost truths of homeopathy through his remarkable cases. Repeatedly he stresses that the most important tools a homeopath can bring to practice are a deep inner silence and a tenacious curiosity to thoroughly understand the patient. Jayesh's admonitions feel like: be silent, be still, follow the energy, follow the energy, be curious, the patient will unfold a beautiful picture if you are awake inside, be silent, follow the energy.

Jayesh is also the hardest working teacher I've ever studied with. On several occasions after taking a live case in class, Jayesh has stayed up, what must have been half the night, analyzing the case and preparing overhead slides and hand outs for his students for the next day so they could understand the case from his point of view while it was still fresh.

Gary Christiansen

Westboro, Massachusetts

I have had the great good fortune of studying with Jayesh extensively, both in India and the United States over the past decade. His teachings have been a hallmark in my growth and development both personally and professionally.

Jayesh#s great clarity and his insights into the patient's deepest state are presented in such a way as to enable student and practitioner alike to learn the method of the process, thereby enabling us to apply the methods and expand ourselves in our own practices. Jayesh teaches with brilliance, insight, honesty, and humility. Without hesitation, I would encourage any student or practitioner, new or experienced, to take advantage of any chance to experience Jayesh's seminars. This opportunity should not be missed.

Richard Plant

Encinitas, California